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She Lyrics

Album/Collection: Double Platinum (1978)
Online Since: 07-Nov-2002
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 She walks by moonlight
 No one really knows
 Enchanted starlight
 Never goin' home
 I know she's goin' down, goin'
 Ev'rybody knows she's so good
 Doin' well for others
 She doesn't really know
 The powers all within her
 As she takes off her clothes
 I know she's goin' down, goin'
 Ev'rybody knows she's so good
 Doin' well for others
 She doesn't really know
 The powers all within her
 As she takes off her clothes
 I know she's goin' down, goin'
 Ev'rybody knows she's so good

She Lyrics

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