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Mr. Blackwell Lyrics

Album/Collection: Music From The Elder (1981)
Online Since: 07-Nov-2002
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-- Gene Simmons, Lou Reed
 I never said I was more than I am
 Do what I want and I don't give a damn
 You're all so weak you know it makes me ill
 Don't like you now and probably never will
  You cheat and lie, and wonder why
  You can't sleep at night
    You're not well, Mr. Blackwell
    And we can tell
    You're not well, Mr. Blackwell
    Why don't you go to hell
 I am a sinner who just loves to sin
 I am a fighter who just loves to win
 I am the truth about this crummy hole
 There's nothing here that can't be bought or sold
  You're cold and mean, and in between
  You're rotten to the core
 You're a victim, a real disgrace
 You should be banished from the human race
 We'll drink to sorrow then we'll drink to waste
 We'll drink a toast to the inhuman race
 Here's to the world and the times we're in
 Here's to the kid a real man among men
  You're cold and mean, and in between
  You're rotten to the core

Mr. Blackwell Lyrics

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