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Animal Farm Lyrics

Album/Collection: The Kinks Are The Village Green Preservation Socie
Online Since: 07-Nov-2002
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This world is big and wild and half insane.
Take me where real animals are playing.
Just a dirty old shack,
Where the hound dogs bark, 
That we called our home.
I want to be back there,
Among the cats and dogs,
And the pigs and the goats
On Animal Farm, my animal home.
On Animal Farm, my animal home.

While I lay my head upon my pillow,
Little girl, come play beneath my willow.
Though she's far from home,
She is free from harm,
And she need not fear.
She's by my side, and the sky is wide,
So let the sun shine bright  
On Animal Farm, my animal home.
On Animal Farm, my animal home.

Girl, it's a hard, hard world,
If it gets you down.
Dreams often fade and die 
In a bad bad world.

I'll take you where real animals are playing.
And people are real people, not just playing.
It's a quiet, quiet life,
By a dirty old shack,
That we called our home.
I want to be back there,
Among the cats and dogs,
And the pigs and the goats
On Animal Farm, my animal home.
On Animal Farm, my animal home.

Animal Farm Lyrics

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