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Reasons Why Lyrics

Album/Collection: The Garden
Online Since: 07-Nov-2002
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I finally found the reason why
Everything I feel inside
Feelings that I cannot hide
Tell me that its you
Got me acting kinda strange
Like I'm on a different plane
Never thought I could explain
But I know that it's love

I finally found the reason why
Rainbow colours fill the air
People always stop and stare
Whenever I'm with you
Suddenly the flowers bloom
Whistling a happy tune
Never thought I'd understood
But now I know it's love

Cause when you smile and look at me
Then suddenly I know
Why the birds keep singing every place I go
I finally found the reason why
Everything is upside down
My feet don't even touch the ground
But I know that its love

Cause when you smile and look at me
Then suddenly I know
Why the birds keep singing every place I go
I finally found the reason why
Everything is upside down
My feet don't even touch the ground
But I know that its love
Yes it's love
I know that it's love
Yes it's love
It's love
Yes it's love
It's love

Reasons Why Lyrics

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