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He Said Lyrics

Online Since: 07-Nov-2002
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He Said

I never said those words
I'm going up that mountain now
Let earth go away, let cold wind blow
Because I cannot save them now

And this is my regret
That's coming down all over me 
It drinks to drown in words in seas
But it only makes them rule again
[1st version chorus]: Go away, go away, go away I said
		      Go away, go away, go away I'm trying to sleep
		      Go away, go away, go away I said
[2nd version chorus]: I wish your mountains
		      I wish your mountains were gone
		      I wish you'd go, I wish you'd go

I used to think that there were other worlds
But I'm the only one that he said
So they are only in my head again...only
I have these words that are so hard
that I am working all the day
In everything I come to say
I build a shadow of him
He is afraid again
He says he is afraid again
It's coming down in tears of rain
And it will make them rule again

I spend my life in the worries he said

[1st version chorus]
[2nd version chorus]

He Said Lyrics

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