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I've Been Losing You Lyrics

Album/Collection: Scoundrel Days
Online Since: 07-Nov-2002
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(Pal Waaktaar)
It wasn't the rain that washed away
Rinsed out the colours of your eyes
Putting the gun down on the bedside table
I must have realized;
It wasn't the rain 
That made no difference
And I could have sworn it wasn't me
Yet I did it all so coldly
...almost slowly
Pain for all to see
Oh c'mon please now
Talk to me 
Tell me; things I could find helpful
How can I stop now...
Is there nothing I can do
I have lost my way
I've been losing you

I can still hear our screams competing
You're hissing your s's like a snake
Now in the mirror stands
Half a man
I thought no one could break 
It wasn't the rain
That made no difference
...nervously drumming on:Run away
But I want the guilt to get me
Thoughts to wreck me
Preying on my mind
Please now
Talke to me
Tell me; things I could find helpful
For how can I stop now...
Is there nothing I can do
I have lost my way
I've been losing you

I've Been Losing You Lyrics

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