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I Found The Law Lyrics

Album/Collection: Buddy Holly
Online Since: 07-Nov-2002
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I'm  brekin'  rock  in  the  hot  sun
I  found  the  law  and  the  law , won
I  found  the  law  and  the  law  , won

I  needed  money  'cause  I  had  none
I  found  the  law  and  the  law , won
I  found  the  law  and  the  law , won

I  left  my  baby  and  feel  so  bad
I  guess  my  base  is  run
But  she's  a  best  friend  I  ever  had 
I  found  the  law  and  the  law , won
I  found  the  law  and  the  law , won

Robbin'  people  with  the  six  gun
I  found  the  law  and  the  law , won
I  found  the  law  and  the  law , won

I  miss  my  baby  and  I'm  just  a  bum
I found  the  law  and  the  law , won
I  found  the  law  and  the  law , won

I Found The Law Lyrics

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