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O Stella Lyrics

Album/Collection: Dry
Online Since: 07-Nov-2002
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Stella Marie, you're my star 
Stella Marie, you're my star
Stand on ground look up at her
Just hanging in gold stone
Just hanging there face froze

But i think i see her smiling
I think i see her smiling
I think i see her smiling
I think i see her smiling
go go go go 
Stella Marie, you're my star
In your blue blue tavern you light my lantern
Oh Stella's large 
Pink almond face
It's glowing in space

A place for heroes only
Place for heroes only
Place for heroes only
Place for heroes only

go go go go go go go

Stella Marie, you're my star
I pin you to my chest
Sell you to the rest
I kiss her gown
Send those angels down to woo me now

I think I see her smiling
Think I see her smiling
Think I see her smiling
Think I see her smiling

go go go go go go

O Stella Lyrics

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