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Radio Silence Lyrics

Album/Collection: Where Have All The Merrymakers Gone?
Online Since: 07-Nov-2002
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let it sing 
let it die 
and roll out the carpets 
no such thing 
mustn't pry 
all hail to another confession 
and it's losing me 

where have all the merrymakers gone? 

some people will surprise you with a real depth of feeling 
others still may shock you with all that they're revealing 
but one thing's sure: there's always more information than you ask for. 
ask for this: 
just enough knowledge to know i don't know anything 
some things are personal (at least they should be) 
or is it too much to ask you just to maintain a little 
maintain a little 
maintain a little 
maintain a little 
maintain a little 
maintain a little 
(take the cynical saint to the stake and burn it) 

it's radio radio silence silence. 

Radio Silence Lyrics

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