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Really Like Lyrics

Album/Collection: Ice Cream Genius
Online Since: 07-Nov-2002
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If I knew
If I knew what you are really like
Would I burn the same
Would I yearn at the merest mention of your name
If I knew
If I knew what you are really like
Would I ache
Would I think about you every second just the same
Or would I write it off as something of a terrible mistake...

Could you really be
As perfect as you are to me
Could you really be
As perfect as you are to me

Would I be scared, Would I be in awe
If I could know
What goes on in that little mind of yours
When I doubt you
Why is it I'm expected to feel so ashamed

Is it a garden full of flowers
Or a jungle full of scorpions and snakes
A cellar full of demons
A heaven full of angels
You hatchin in that bosom
A wide open horizon
or a desert plain
A box of nice surprises
Or a cauldron full of pain

If I strip away that outer skin
Find a way to get you drunk
What kind of picture would you paint me
Michelangelo or Munch ?

Could you really be
As perfect as you are to me
Could you really be
Perfect as you seem to be

I really like you..
But I wonder what you're really like

Would I dedicate my life
Or would I take a hike
If I knew what you are really like

Really Like Lyrics

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