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Competition Smile Lyrics

Album/Collection: Congratulations I'm Sorry
Online Since: 07-Nov-2002
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Written by P. Rhodes, R. Wilson

Looking up I saw nothing
but the blue in the bluest sky.
And now it's creeping across my eye,
going down in my mind,
down in my mind.

I'm high and I'm hopeless.
So help me to get untied.
Fast asleep now, I'm going blind, 
falling down in my mind,
down in my mind,
just fine...
Emulate the style,
a competition smile.

Now I'm running not looking
and opening up my brain
where it's easy to lose my name
Looking dumb in the rain,
dumb in the rain...

I'm hoping you'll notice
that no one else helps me grow.
It's not easy to let you know
what I'm dying to show
dying until you know.
Pretending all the while,
a competition smile...

Now I've thrown something far
and it haunts me like a curse.
I'm like a stone
falling hard
and I'm only getting worse.

I'm hiding high...

Copyright 1996 WB Music Corp, Philthy Music, Rutle Corps Music (ASCAP)
Keyed by George Bounacos (http://www1.allware.com/~bounacos)

Competition Smile Lyrics

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