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(Our Love) Don't Throw It All Away Lyrics

Album/Collection: Greatest Hits
Online Since: 07-Nov-2002
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Maybe I don't wanna know the reason why
But lately you don't talk to me
Darling, I can't see me in your eyes
I hold you near but you're so far away
And it's losing you I can't believe
To watch you leave and let this feeling die
You alone are the living thing that keeps me alive
And tomorrow if I'm here without your love, you know I can't survive
Only my love can raise you high above it all 
Don't throw it all away, our love, our love
Don't throw it all away, our love
Don't throw it all away, our love, our love
Don't throw it all away, our love

We can take the darkness and make if full of light 
But let your love flow back to me
How can you leave and let this feeling die?
This happy room will be a lonely place when you are gone
And I won't even have your shoulders for the crying on 
No other woman's love could be as true, I'm begging you


We changed the world we made it ours to hold
But dreams are made for those who really try
This losing you is real, but I still feel you here inside


(Our Love) Don't Throw It All Away Lyrics

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