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Cryin' Shame Lyrics

Album/Collection: Wake Me When It's Over
Online Since: 07-Nov-2002
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  There was a haunting
  Evil breeze blowing off the bay
  That kasso smiled
  As he took the kid's life away
  The midway was his private oasis
  Where the dope got just a little too strong
  Relax, Jummy boy, it's only homicide
  The punk will never know what's going on

  Wake me when it's over and it's done
  Why can ya see the poor boy bleed
  Does it make you numb

  It's a cryin' shame
  I got blood on my hands 
  And my life's going down the drain
  It's a cryin' shame
  I got blood on my hands 
  Man it's a crying shame

  From the Northport gazebo
  To the Aztakea Woods they strayed
  They butchered the boy
  And threw his body in a shallow grave
  For weeks under the leaves
  He just sat there dead
  Without a breath of life in his bones

  He left his ma and pa cryin
  Wondering and whining...
  Why their little boy never came home

  Wake me when it's over and it's done
  Why can ya see the poor boy bleed
  Does it make you numb

  It's a cryin' shame
  I got blood on my hands 
  And my life's going down the drain
  It's a cryin' shame
  I got blood on my hands 
  Man it's a crying shame

  Say it no Lord help me Jesus Christ
  It's all over now kiss your ass goodbye

  Wake me when it's over and it's done
  Why can ya see the poor boy bleed
  Does it make you numb

  It's a cryin' shame
  I got blood on my hands 
  And my life's going down the drain
  It's a cryin' shame
  I got blood on my hands 
  Man it's a crying shame

Cryin' Shame Lyrics

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