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The Knot Comes Untied Lyrics

Album/Collection: No Place That Far
Online Since: 07-Nov-2002
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(Sam Hogin/Ron Harbin/Ed Hill)

She's a got a Rand McAlly map
And a tank full of gasoline
Yeah love's been headin south
And now she's heading out of New Orleans
She throws her last picture out the window near the Louisiana line
She's somewhere between dreaming and leaving old feelings behind
As the knot comes untied

Her heart is running scared
She's says a silent prayer
Lord I'm counting on you to help me get through this night
There's memories like mountains and each one gets hard to climb
As the knot comes untied

On one hand she wonders if what she is doing is wrong
Cause it sure is a long stretch of highway between goin and gone
She's been down this road a thousand times in her mind
But what's done is done
She won't turn around this time
As the knot comes untied

Her heart is running scared
She's says a silent prayer
Lord I'm counting on you to help me get through this night
There's memories like mountains and each one gets hard to climb
As the knot comes untied

She's got Rand McAlly map
And a tank full of gasoline

The Knot Comes Untied Lyrics

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