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Livin' On The Fault Line Lyrics

Album/Collection: Livin' On The Fault Line
Online Since: 07-Nov-2002
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Patrick Simmons 

Underneath us all
There's a world that we always forget 'til it moves us
Where the moon on the bay dances all alone
Ramone, he draw the razor swift, it slice the air
No more lovely dreams of those summer nights
Down in Santo Domingo
They laugh and play in the sleepy harbor town
So unaware of the danger that's around 

Livin' on the fault line
Livin' on the fault line
Livin' on the fault line
Livin' on the fault line 

No one can run when it finally comes down
Nobody knows what is stirrin' underground
Caruso stumbled
While the city tumbled down
The palace was in splinters
Theodore was leaving town 

Livin' On The Fault Line Lyrics

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