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I Cheat The Hangman Lyrics

Album/Collection: Stampede
Online Since: 07-Nov-2002
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Patrick Simmons 

The days grow short, the nights are gone
Since you were here, I can't go on
I cried for you, to no avail
Now my life runs cold when the night winds wail
But I cheat the hangman, cheated him many times before
The bell that tolls the hour has turned sweet lips to sour
Yes, I cheat the hangman and even when life has flown away
I leave a kiss behind 

The rain that fell upon my stone
Like tears you cry I shared alone
I walk the night, I cannot sleep
The love you spend you cannot reap 

The glow of love will then shine
Lighted windows stare at the lonely stranger there returning home
Only lighted windows stare at the lonely stranger there returning home 

I Cheat The Hangman Lyrics

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