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Daughters Of The Sea Lyrics

Album/Collection: What Were Once Vices Are Now Habits
Online Since: 07-Nov-2002
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Patrick Simmons 

Autumn breeze blowin' to the east
Shift of breeze upon a sea of peace
Hear them call, can't you hear them sing
Hear them call, how their voices ring
Dizzy dancin', golden ladies
Misty eyes that cannot fool
Silver shoreline waves come crashin'
To the end of all of you 

Like a spider weavin' silken nets
Fingers move, swaying silhouettes
Hear them call, can't you hear them sing
Hear them call, how their voices ring
Spinning, turning, moonlit madness
'Round the fire burnin' bright
I can see it risin' higher
Lightin' up the starry night 

Hear them call, can't you hear them sing
Hear them call, how their voices ring
Hear them call, can't you hear them sing
Hear them call, how their voices ring 

Daughters Of The Sea Lyrics

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