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China Grove Lyrics

Album/Collection: The Captain And Me
Online Since: 07-Nov-2002
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Tom Johnston 

When the sun comes up on a sleepy little town
Down around San Antone
And the folks are risin' for another day
'Round about their homes 

The people of the town are strange
And they're proud of where they came
Well, you're talkin' 'bout China Grove
Oh, China Grove 

Well, the preacher and the teacher
Lord, they're a caution
They are the talk of the town
When the gossip gets to flyin'
And they ain't lyin'
When the sun goes fallin' down 

They say that the father's insane
And dear Missus Perkin's a game
We're talkin' 'bout the China Grove
Oh, China Grove 

But every day there's a new thing comin'
The ways of an oriental view
The sheriff and his buddies 
With their samurai swords
You can even hear the music at night 

And though it's a part of the Lone Star State
People don't seem to care
They just keep on lookin' to the East 

Talkin' 'bout the China Grove
Oh, China Grove 

China Grove Lyrics

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