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Anonymous #3 - After Now Everybody's Me Lyrics

Album/Collection: Metaphysical Grafitti Untitled Tracks
Online Since: 07-Nov-2002
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        Now, I understand that some of you don't know Sour 
        Jane, so I'll tell you a little bit about her.  
        She's a lesbian Eskimo midget albino.  She went to 
        college and she started the Lesbian Eskimo Albino 
        Student Union, and four hundred people signed up.  
        There they were, hundreds of 'em, lesbian midget 
        Eskimo left-handed albinos.  Did I mention the fact 
        that she was left-handed?  She's left-handed, 

        Girl's got some strange hobbies.  One of her hobbies 
        is lowering children into open manholes, which is 
        kinda difficult 'cause a lot of the children are 
        taller than her, her being a midget and everything
        ...or her being a left-handed midget...or her being 
        a left-handed lesbian midget...or her being a left-
        handed lesbian albino midget...or her being a 
        lesbian left-handed albino midget Eskimo...life can 
        be really difficult on that young lady.

        She bit me once, you know.  Right here, you see 
        this?  Left a mark.  She was lowerin' a friend of 
        mine's kid into the sewer, and I run up, tryin' to 
        stop her.  I said, "Listen there, you lesbian midget 
        left-handed albino!  You stop right there!"  And she 
        bit me.  I'm afraid I'm gonna...I'm gonna turn into 
        a lesbian left-handed midget albino when the moon is 

        Oh my God, the moon is full tonight!  I can feel 
        myself shrinking!  I can feel myself becoming left-
        handed!  I can feel myself getting the urge to build 
        an igloo!  I can feel my skin turning white and my 
        eyes getting red!  I can feel...I can feel the urge
        ...to buy a Suzanne Vega album!!  


        Oh, I'm okay; it's just gas.

Anonymous #3 - After Now Everybody's Me Lyrics

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