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Butterfly Lyrics

Album/Collection: Higher Learning Soundtrack
Online Since: 07-Nov-2002
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Stinky soul get a little lost in my own
Hey General, need a little love in that hole of yours
one ways, now, and Saturdays and our kittens all wrapped in cement
from cradle to gundrops
got me running girl as fast as I can
and is it right Butterfly they like you better framed and dried

Daddy dear if I can kill one man why not two
well, nurses smile when you got iron veins
you can't stain their pretty shoes and pom poms and cherry blondes
and their kittens still wrapped in cement
from God's saviors to gundrops
got me running girl as fast as I can
and is it right Butterfly they like you better framed and dried

got a pretty pretty garden pretty garden yes
got me a pretty pretty garden a pretty garden yes
got me a pretty garden a pretty garden

Butterfly Lyrics

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