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Tyin' A Heart To A Tumbleweed Lyrics

Album/Collection: Terri Clark
Online Since: 07-Nov-2002
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I'll always remeber the first time i saw him
Up in the saddle alone
Riding that pony and racin' the wind
Wherever it would blow
Each night  I'd pray
For one more day
But his soul was wild and free
It's like tyin' a head 
To a tumbleweed

So I'll make a wish  beneath the desert moon
His love will blow my way one day soon
yes I know  I should let him go 
But I can't deny the need 
It's like tyin' a heart to a tumbleweed

I could fashion some fences that might hold him in
But only for a little while
'Cause that restless spirit keeps following him
And I know He's bound to say goodbye
I   dream he'll say that he wants  to stay 
Then he  drifts away from me
It's like tyin' a heart to a tumbleweed

So I'll make a wish  beneath the desert moon
His love will blow my way one day soon
yes I know  I should let him go 
But I can't deny the need 
It's like tyin' a heart to a tumbleweed

Tyin' a heart to a tumbleweed
Tyin' a heart to a tumbleweed

Tyin' A Heart To A Tumbleweed Lyrics

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