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Dave Lyrics

Online Since: 07-Nov-2002
Rating: 10.00 (out of 10)
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  (Soft knocks at the door)
CHONG: Who is it?
CHEECH: It's me, Dave.  Open up, man, I got the stuff.
  (More knocks)
CHONG: Who is it?
CHEECH: It's me, Dave, man.  Open up, I got the stuff.
CHEECH: It's, Dave, man.  Open up, I think the cops saw me come in here.
  (More knocks)
CHONG: Who is it?
CHEECH: It's, Dave, man.  Will you open up, I got the stuff with me.
CHEECH: Dave, man.  Open up.
CHONG: Dave?
CHEECH: Yeah, Dave.  C'mon, man, open up, I think the cops saw me.
CHONG: Dave's not here.
CHEECH: No, man, I'm Dave, man.
  (Sharp knocks at the door)
CHEECH: Hey, c'mon, man.
CHONG: Who is it?
CHEECH: It's Dave, man.  Will you open up?  I got the stuff with me.
CHEECH: Dave, man.  Open up.
CHONG: Dave?
CHEECH: Yeah, Dave.
CHONG: Dave's not here.
CHEECH: What the hell?  No, man, I am Dave, man.  Will you...
  (More knocks)
CHEECH: C'mon!  Open up the door, will you?  I got the stuff with me, I think the cops saw me.
CHONG: Who is it?
CHEECH: Oh, what the hell is it...c'mon.  Open up the door!  It's Dave!
CHEECH: Dave!  D-A-V-E!  Will you open up the goddam door!
CHONG: Dave?
CHEECH: Yeah, Dave!
CHONG: Dave?
CHEECH: Right, man.  Dave.  Now will you open up the door?
CHONG: Dave's not here.

Dave Lyrics