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Sugar Guitar Tablature
Artist:   System of a down
Song:     Sugar
Album:    System of a down (1998)
Tabbed By Jonathan Bissonnette (hoju_10@hotmail.com)


pm.: Palm Mute         :   Slide Back
*PH: Pinch Harmonic    h:   Hammer-on
^fb: Full Bend         p:   Pull-off
^hb: Half Bend         ~:   Let Note Ring (Vibrato)
/:   Slide Forward     ():  Ghost Note

Tuning: Drop C (C G C F A D)


|-0-7-6-5--0-7-6-5-| (Repeat 8 Times)


|----------------------------------------| (Repeat 3 Times) 


Chorus 2- Same as Intro

Verse 2- Same as Verse 

Chorus 3- Same as Intro


|-1-------1-0-| (Repeat 3 Times)

|-1-12-1-0-1-0--12-0-0--|(Repeat 11 Times)
                                 *Increase Tempo everytime  


 *Increase Tempo until End
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