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Metro Guitar Tablature
System of a Down
Metro (Berlin Cover)
Tabbed by Derek Tsan: donutman_2000@hotmail.com
Tuning - CGCFAD

x= muted note/pick scrapes (intro)
(x8) = repeat indicated times
. = quick (stacatto) note
sl = slide
h = hammer-on
v = vibrato
* =bend slightly and hold

                 | repeat several times


Verse 1: just bass

Chorus: play twice

                                                         .  .  .  .  .

Verse 2:

repeat this a few times              then repeat this a few times


except|---------------|played several times before entering solo
        .  .  .  .  .



play entire section smoothly                                  |play twice

Modified Chorus: play twice


Outro: repeat 4 times

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