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Mary Had a Little Lamb Guitar Tablature
the edge......

MARY HAD A LITTLE LAMB	(as recorded by Stevie Ray Vaugh)

Original music by George "Buddy" Guy

I haven't figured out the solo, but this is the intro and the

~ = whammy bar tremelo
h = hammer on for next note
p = pull off for next note
s = slide up to next note
(n) = optional fingered note

Intro (Stevie throws in grace notes but this is the basic structure):



     E7                                                          B7


Verse: (4/4 - Each slash is a beat)

E7				A7
/	/	/	/	/	/	/	/
1.	Mary had a little lamb
2. He followed her to school one day

/	/	/	/	/	/	/	/
1. It's fleece as white as snow, yea
2. and broke the teacher's rule

/	/	/	/	/	/	/	/
1. Everywhere the Child went
2. What a time they had

A7				E7
/	/	/	/	/	/	/	/
1. You know the lamb was sure to go, yea
2. That day at school
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