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Nearly Lost You Guitar Tablature
NEARLY LOST YOU (V Conner, M Lanegan, L Conner)

INTRO (fig 1):

G / Gsus4 / G / A / Asus4 / A / E
These are the intro chords (see bottom of page for additional info):

     G  Gsus4  A Asus4   E


VERSE (fig 2):

E ..hammer on to.. E7 / C ..hammer on to.. C7  (x4 Then fig 1)

This lead fill is played over the above chords once:


(play fig 2)
Did you hear the distant cry
(play fig 1)
Calling me back to my sin

(fill 1)

(fill 2)

(play fig 2)
Like the one you knew before
(play fig 1)          (play fill 1 and fill 2)
Calling me back once again

The verse chords:

     E    E7   C    C7



E D C             C7
                   I nearly...
G    F      C                 C7
I___ nearly lost you there
G        F     C              C7
And it's taken us somewhere
G    F      C
I___ nearly lost you there
G     F      C
Let's try to sleep now

(The solo is in E Pentatonic - find your own way round it)



From seeing Gary playing live I can confirm the chords below are what he uses.
However we prefer to play the voicings shown at the top of the page because it
creates a more balanced, ringing tone (especially with acoustics).

   G  Gsus4  A  Asus4  
Previous guitar tablature in Screaming Trees