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Wake Up propper Guitar Tablature
SONG: Wake Up
Artist: Rage Against the Machine
tabber: Ian
mail: grandmasterwaughey2000@hotmail.com

hi everyone, i made this tab because i was looking how to play this song and i could not find any
tabs that where good, i found good sections in different tabs, so i made a good tab incorporating
all the good stuff of other tabs and some of my own stuff, for example i couldant find a tab that
had got the main riff right but they were close so i made it right.
when you look at this tab and listen to the music and follow it through dont be out off but alot
of numbers together, i suggest picking up your guitar and and playing it slowley till u get it 
right then it will sound good and u can make most of my hard work.
please Enjoy!!


 = slide down
b = bend
x = rythem click, or wha-wha
h = hammer on
p = pull off
~ = vibrato

Tune to drop D


Fade in

|----------------|------- --------|----------------|----------------|
|77777-77777 7777|77777-77777 7777|77777-77777 7777|77777-77777 7777|two times

|--------------------------|second guitar plays this either hammer on from the 5th fret of
|--------------------------|bend the string at the 5th fret, this plays under the intro.

|----------------|0---------------|----------------|1414141414141414|bend string b string



verse 1
|----------------|----------------|----------------|----------------| the verse uses wha-wha but 
|----------------|----------------|----------------|----------------| i dont own a wha-wha pedal
|--xx3-xx5-x-----|--xx3-xx5-x-----|--xx3-xx5-x-----|--xx3-xx5-x-----|so i dont know how to use it
|35xx-5xx-3x3--4-|35xx-5xx-3x3--4-|35xx-5xx-3x3--4-|35xx-5xx-3x3--4-|so u will have to figure
|----------------|----------------|----------------|----------------|it out urself


						    there 10's if u diddnt know



verse 1
|----------------|----------------|----------------|--------------------|this end bit might not
|----------------|----------------|----------------|--------------------|be right, but it sounds
|--xx3-xx5-x-----|--xx3-xx5-x-----|--xx3-xx5-x-----|-----3-5-5-6-7-6-5-3|good, just watch
|35xx-5xx-3x3--4-|35xx-5xx-3x3--4-|35xx-5xx-3x3--4-|3-5-5---------------|the timing. may sound
|----------------|----------------|----------------|--------------------|deeper cos of bass


|----------------|----------------|----------------|-------------------------|this bit is prob
|----------------|----------------|----------------|-------------------------|wrong but will 
|----------------|----------------|----------------|-------------------------|sound good playing 
|--xx3-xx5-x-----|--xx3-xx5-x-----|--xx3-xx5-x-----|-------------------------|live, not exact 


|7777777777779910|12 11 9995555555|5555555555559910|7777777777777777|	
|xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx|xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx|xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx|xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx|	|
|5555555555557788|10 9997773333333|3333333333337788|5555555555555555|	|
|----------------|----------------|----------------|----------------|	| some other tab sed
									| uses a talk box
|----------------|----------------|----------------|----------------|	|
|----------------|----------------|----------------|----------------|	|
|7777777777779910|12 11 9995555555|5555555555559910|777777777-------|	|
|xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx|xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx|xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx|xxxxxxxxx-------|	/
|5555555555557788|10 9997773333333|3333333333337788|555555555-------|

palm mute		Palm mute	Palm mute	Pam mute			   

palm mute
|----------------|     When u come to do it the 5th time gradualy soften the palm mute
|----------------|     untill you are not palm muteing at all  
|----------------| x 8
Palm mute				

|----------------|----------------|----------------|----------------|	|
|----------------|----------------|----------------|----------------|	|
|5555--55555-5555|5555--55555-5555|5555--55555-5555|5555--55555-5555|	|
|----------------|----------------|----------------|----------------|	|
									|  palm muted
|----------------|----------------|----------------|----------------|	|
|----------------|----------------|----------------|----------------|	|
|----------------|----------------|----------------|----------------|	|
|----------------|----------------|----------------|----------------|	/

|77777-77777-7777|77777-77777-7777|77777-77777-7777|77777-77777-7777|    2 times

|10-10-10-10-10-10-|10~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|hold the last bend and gradually release the bend
|14b14b14b14b14b14b|14~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|untill the sound goes





[Wierd bit]

bend with slight pinch harmonics
|-------------------|----------------|----------------|----------------|thats solo bit just mess
|6b666b66b666b66b66b|----------------|----------------|----------------|around on the 6th 8th 
|-------------------|----------------|----------------|----------------|and maybe the 14th frett
|-------------------|----------------|0---------------|----------------|of the same string
|-------------------|----------------|0---------------|----------------|with some wierd effect it 
|-------------------|----------------|0---------------|----------------|might sound good.

by the way this is my first tab, i think its good
peace n glory to u all, thanks RATM for a great song.
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