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Maggies Farm Guitar Tablature
Drop D tuning. (D,A,D,G,B,e)
This version doesnt sound right if you play it with the cd
but if you play it on it's own it sounds fine

|------------------------------------------------- Play twice 
|------------------------------------------------- followed by


|----------------------------------------3-------- Repeat 4 times

Verse part one

Play this for the first four lines of the verse

Then play

 PM...    ...

Then repeat part one. Then repeat part two and part one

Then tom moves into a heavier section

|----------------------- Play this for times listen to the cd for the
|-----------------------  rhythm

|----------------------- Play this four times as well.



|-5-5-5-5-5-5-5-5-3-3-3-3-3-3-3-3--0- let the last chord ring

|------------------------------------------------------- Play twice 
|------------------------------------------------------- without the
|------------------------------------------------------- slide on the
|15------------------------------------------3-------- second time

then play the verse again its exactly the same.

Then you play some thing very weird and i cant quite figure it out i know for a fact he is using two guitars in it becasue its impossible to play it with one.

its something like


then over the top

|--------------------------------- ~= bend up a tiny bit and release
|-10-12-10--10-12-10--10-12~12-10-    immeadeatly

play this while Zac whispers some lyrics


then tom uses his 2 guitar trick again


then the other plays


The first one plays


And the other plays

|-----  repeat this sequence twice

Then play

|-5-5-5-5-5-5-5-5-3-3-3-3-3-3-3-3--0- let the last chord ring


Then all tom does is play the intro again but at half time.
Any comments or suggestions/corrections please email me the_wicker_man7@hotmail.com thanks :)
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