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Careful With That Axe Eugene Guitar Tablature
Careful with that axe Eugene- Pompeii

Pink Floyd
(Waters, Wright, Gilmour, Mason)

Drop D tuning

Effects: vibrato, fuzz distortain, delay/echo/reverb.

Guitar backing/rythme: 





  "Careful.............. with that axe Eugene"









w/rythme fig.1



  "Careful.............. with that axe Eugene"



 w/rythme fig. 
|----0~-0-0--0--0--0~~-0--0--0--0--| fade out

Rythme figure 1:		  x2

Lead guitar
		     cont. **            x2
  *bass arr. for guitar.

  **(pick notes randomly)

 **            x2						x2
  **(pick notes randomly)



 **            x2	    		  x2
**(pick notes randomly)


 **            x4	  
**(pick notes randomly)



                                        x2               x2



For solos improvise on Dm pentatonic.
Heavy bending on 9, 18 and 20tth frets, harmonizing with backing vocals.


depress trem. arm""""""""""""""""""""""""






**            x2	    		  x2
**(pick notes randomly)

Note: watch the Pompeii video for correct timing.  Some solo work is rough and may need improving, but is is a start.


Transcription: Richard Harris gizhornbeast@hotmail.com
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