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Circle of Hipocrisy Guitar Tablature
Circle of Hipocrisy
As recorded by Napalm Death

Music by Napalm Death
.  - palm mute                  /  - slide up to
  - slide down to              ~  - vibrato
"  - tremelo picking           ( ) - ghost note
b  - bend                       h  - hammer-on
fb - full bend (1 step)         p  - pull-off
hb - half bend (1/2 step)       r  - release a bend
t  - tapping                    ah - artificial harmonic

Tune Gtr to D

[Drum Fill]

[Riff A]
[*-------------------------------|-------------------------------*]GTRS 1&2
      .  .     .  .                   .  .     .  .

[*-------------------------------|-------------------------------*]GTRS 1&2
      .  .     .  .                   .  .     .  .

Play Riff A 1 time

[Riff A.1]
[*-------------------------------|-------------------------------*]GTRS 1&2
      .  .     .  .                   .  .     .  .
[*-------------------------------|-------------------------------*]GTRS 1&2
      .  .     .  .                   .  .     .  .

Play Riff A.1 1 time

[Riff B]
[*-----------------|-------------------------------*]GTRS 1&2
        . . . .          . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  
 __________________  _______________________________
|1-3.              |4.                              |
[*-----------------|-------------------------------*]GTRS 1&2
       sl                sl                 

Play Riff B 1 time

[Riff A.2]
[*-------------------------------|-------------------------------*]GTRS 1&2
      .  .     .  .                   .  .     .  .

[*-------------------------------|-------------------------------*]GTRS 1&2
      .  .     .  .                   .  .     .  .

[Riff A.3]
[*-------------------------------|-------------------------------*]GTRS 1&2
      .  .     .  .                   .  .     .  .

[*-------------------------------|-------------------------------*]GTRS 1&2
      .  .     .  .                    .  .     .  .   sl

Play Riff B   2 times
Play Riff A.2 1 time
Play Riff A.3 1 time

[Riff C]                 [3tx]                           [3tx]
[*---------------------------|------------------------------*]GTR 1
      .  .     .  .  .   sl       .  .     .  .  .   sl
[*---------------------------|------------------------------*]GTR 2
                               .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .

[Riff D]
[*-------------------------------------*]GTRS 1&2
   .  .    h  p  h   .  .             

[*-------------------------------------*]GTRS 1&2
   .  .    h  p  h   .  .

Play Riff D 3 times

[Riff E]
[*----------------------------------------------------*]GTRS 1&2
   .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .    h  p  p   .  .

[*----------------------------------------------------*]GTRS 1&2
   .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .         .  .

Play Riff E 1 time

[Fill 1]
[*--------*]GTRS 1&2

[*----------------------------|----------------------------*]GTR 1
[*----------------------------|----------------------------*]GTR 2

[*----------------------------|----------------------------*]GTR 1

[*----------------------------|----------------------------*]GTR 2
[*----------------------------|----------------------------*]GTRS 1&2
[*----------------------------|----------------------------*]GTRS 1&2

[Riff F]
[*----------------------------|----------------------------*]GTRS 1&2
[*----------------------------|----------------------------*]GTRS 1&2

[*----------------------------|----------------------------*]GTRS 1&2
[*----------------------------|----------------------------*]GTRS 1&2

Play Riff F 1 time

[Riff G]
[*--------|--------|--------|-----------*]GTRS 1&2

[Riff G.1]
[*--------|--------|--------|-----------*]GTRS 1&2

Play Riff G 1 time

[Riff G.2]
[*----------------------------|----------------------------*]GTRS 1&2

Play Riff F   2 times
Play Riff G   1 time
Play Riff G.1 1 time
Play Riff G   1 time
Play Riff G.2 5 times
Play Riff G.1 4 times (over solo)

[*----------------|----------------*]GTRS 1&2
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