Home > Rock & Pop > Morbid Angel >
Hatework Guitar Tablature
from the album 'Domination'

Tabbed by Bobby Rafuse

Tuning - Bb

~  - vibrato
pm - palm mute
sb - slow bend
r  - release bend
/  - slide up
p  - pull off
h  - hammer on

*NOTE* Listen to song for correct timings. I know
this tab is not 100% accurate but it's the best I could
do for now. Hope it works out till I get more time
to do a better job.

Start off with keyboard sounds and a military
sound drumming

Intro A			   2x

Intro B

Intro C

Intro D

Keyboard sounds again

Riff 1					   4x
pm.       .           .       .

Riff 2

Riff 1 2x under solo 1

Solo 1

Riff 1 4x

Riff 2

Riff 3				      4x
pm                    . .      . .

Riff 1 4x

Intro A 2x

Intro B

Intro C

Intro D

Keyboard sounds again

Riff 1 4x

Riff 2

Riff 1 4x w/Solo 2 (not tabbed yet)

End of song.
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