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Till I Hear It From You Guitar Tablature
Till I here it from you Tabbed by Jon Linstead!

Riff at the beginning: Let Guitar play 1x, A let ring, C# let ring, Song Is Best played with Barr Chords

Verse: A, F#, C#, E 

Pre Verse: D, E 2x

Chorus: A, E, D 

Pre Solo: E, A, D, B, E, A, G, D, A

Solo: A, F#, C#, E

I didn’t ask
They shouldn’t have told me
At first I’d laugh, but now
It’s sinking in fast
Whatever they’ve sold me
Well baby I don’t want to take advice from fools
I’ll just figure everything is cool
Until I hear it from you
It gets hard
The memory’s faded
Who gets what they say
It’s likely they’re just jealous and jaded
Well maybe I don’t want to take advice from fools
I’ll just figure everything is cool
Until I hear it from you
Until I hear it from you
I can’t let it get me off
Or break up my train of thought
As far as I know, nothing’s wrong
Until I hear it from you
Still thinking about not living without it
Outside looking in
Till we’re talking about it, not stepping around it
Maybe I don’t want to take advice from fools
I’ll just figure everything is cool
Until I hear it from you...
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