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Creeping Death (tribute to Metallica) Guitar Tablature
drowning pool cover for Creeping Death
originally by metallica
tabbed by justin koch
aas played at ozzfest 2002 in atlanta
        (Ryth Fig 1)                 (end Ryth Fig 1)

                       ~~~~~                 ~~~~~

  w/Ryth Fig 1 (once)

                  ~~~~~~~                         ~~~~~

 (Ryth Fig 3)                (end Ryt Fig 3)(Ryth Fig 4)      (end Ryth Fig 4)
                                         x8                                x4
                                    H P P

  You then play Ryth Fig 3 four times, and then continue.

 |---|---|---|---------|  The singing starts. Keep playing Ryth Fig 3
 |---|---|---|---4-6---|  until the singing stops (16 bars later) then
 |-2-|-2-|-2-|-2-4-6-4-|  start playing Ryth Fig 4 four times.


    E5         C5 D5        F5                         G5                   @

    ~~~~~         ~~~~~~~~~      ~~~~~         ~~~~~    ~~~~~~~~~~         ~~~

                                             w/Ryth Fig 3 (twice)

 ---|------|---|-------------|---|---------|---|| Go back up to the part where
 -7-|-7/10-|-9-|-9-------5-7-|-7-|-7-4-6-4-|-4-|| the singing starts
 ~~~~~~      ~~~~~         ~~~~~~~~~     ~~~~~

 (Half Time Feel)

 (This is the "Die, by my hands..." part)

 Each chord is a half note, except the E which is 4 quarter notes using only
the bottom string. The progression is like this:

 E5 E E E E F5 D5 E5 E E E E G5 F5 (x3)

 Then it's Ryth Fig 3 for 6 bars. On the sixth bar, another gutair plays the

  |-----------|  Go back to where the singing originally started. Play it
  |-[~3~]-7--|  through with the third verse, and when you hit the @ sign,
  |-2-3-5-7-|  go to this next part.

 Ryth Fig 9

                ~~~~~                       ~~~~~

  (Following Can be played by 2 guitars, one high, one low, but one can do it)

  w/Ryth Fig 9

       /                                      x3
             ~~~~~~~~~~~~           ~~~~~~~
             ~~~~~~~~~       ~~~~~~~~~~~     ~~~~~~~~~         ~~~~~

           Something for 4 bars... Probably one of the above riffs.

  Ryth Fig 2 (twice) Then it's free time.

  Then it's 4 chords, with a slight retard:


                                 ~~~~~                ~~~~~   ~~~~~~~~~~~~
                                     H                    H       P  P

  And of course, it ends with 2 hard E5 chords, and a slide to nothing.
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