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Lifter Guitar Tablature
band: Deftones
song: LIFTER
guitarist: Stephen Carpenter
tuning: drop D (d a d g b e)

Listen to the song to get the order right.. It's really easy! (to put the parts in right spots :P)

verse riff:
|-----------------------------------| I know this sounds a lill high, but it are the right notes, 
|-----------------------------------| and an octave lower sounds like crap, so i use my 
|-----------------------------------| octave pedal, and that sounds perfect...
|-5-7-7-7-7-7-7-7-5-888-8-8-8-8-8-8-| (without it still sounds good!)

chorus riff part 1

                                Listen to the song for when and how many times part 1 or 2..
chorus riff part 2              (differs a lill)


'ending' riff (not only played at the ens :P)

|---|  end with this..

have fun *S**B*ot*
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